Scottish Charity No.  SC002953

God Bless You All!

God Bless You All!

God Bless You All!

God’s blessings to each and every one of you. 

Until we can meet together again, stay safe.

Type your paragraph here.

Bible Study and Prayer group in Allan Church hall 

2nd Thursday every month at 2pm.
Listen or take part, ask questions or just absorb the chat, all informal but with a cuppa.

Look forward to seeing you.

Scottish Charity No.  SC002953

God’s blessings to each and every one of you. 

Until we can meet together again, stay safe.

This page is managed by Margaret Baxter.

If you wish to contact her please place a request in the prayer box in the vestibule of the church, or ask to speak with her in church.

Prayer for July 2024

Dear Lord,

Be with all our children Lord as they begin their school holidays, keep them safe in whatever they do.  Help their parents and carers to cope with the pressures of keeping them fully occupied, all day and every day in the weeks ahead.

We pray for those who will miss their school meals and ask that they find enough food   to keep them from growing hungry.  Be with those who do not have any special holidays or outings to look forward to or who feel lost and lonely because mum and dad are out at work all day.  Be with their parents too Lord as they strive to be able to give their children more. We pray that they will find hope and financial stability in the near future.

We ask for your strength and healing on children who are unwell at this time.  We pray for those who are disabled in whatever capacity, be it in sight loss, hearing loss or loss of movement.  We pray for those who suffer from brain damage or autism and who struggle to understand the world.  We ask that you be with each and every one of them Lord as they struggle to cope, bring them a sense of peace and a sense of worth.  May they be smothered not only in your love but in the love of their families and all who know them.  Be with their parents as they struggle to do everything they can to make their lives easier.

Be with all the children who are caught up in wars, those who have been injured,                                              those who have been orphaned , those who have lost their homes and have had                                               to flee in terror. Let them be aware of your great love. Lord we pray for world peace.

We pray for the many children who face a life of abuse.  Children whose adulthood                                             are so badly affected by that abuse.  May they find peace and  happiness.

Lord our children are so precious to us and we would never want any child in this world to suffer in any way.

Help us to teach them about Jesus and how much You love them. May they feel joy in the knowledge of that love.

We pray that world leaders get rid of the corruption that seems to taint everything in every walk of life so that it becomes a better place to live.

Forgive us Lord for the legacy of greed, anger and cruelty that we have given as an example to our children.  We ask Lord that with your help we can turn this into a legacy of generosity, calmness,  kindness,  and love.



Maybe we should learn from our children – many who have suffered greatly.

 Be Childlike –

Children smile 400 times a day on average …. Adults 15 times.                                                                                      Children laugh 150 times a day  …. Adults 6 times.

Children play 4 – 6 hours a day  … adults only 20 minutes.

What has happened? 

 Ecclesiastes 12   1-7

Apple blossom bursting wide now beautify the tree,
And make a Springtime picture ,  that is beautiful to see.
Oh, fragrant lovely blossoms, you’ll make a bright bouquet
If I but break your branches from the apple tree today
But if I break your branches and make your beauty mine
You’ll bear no fruit in season when severed from the vine ..
And when we cut ourselves away from guidance that’s divine
Our lives will be as fruitless as the branch without the vine …
For as the flowering branches depend upon the tree ,
To nourish and fulfil them , till they reach futurity,
We too must be dependent on our Father up above,
For we are but the branches and He’s the Tree of Love.

 Helen Steiner Rice

Lord God,We ask you to hold the people of Ukraine deep in your heart.
Protect them, we pray;
from violence, from political gamesmanship,
from being used and abused.

Give, we pray, the nations of the world the courage
and the wisdom to stand up for justice
and the courage too, to dare to care―generously.

Lord, in your mercy, take from us all the tendencies in us
that seek to lord it over others:
take from us those traits that see us pursuing our own needs and wants before those of others.

Teach us how to live in love and dignity and respect―following your example.
In your name and for your sake,

―Issued by Lord Wallace, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and the Very Rev. Dr. Susan Brown, convener of the Faith Impact Forum, Church of Scotland.